Robotics: Perception and Manipulation (RPM) Lab

Welcome to the Robotics: Perception and Manipulation (RPM) Lab at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.

We focus on addressing the fundamental question of “What should/does/can a physical object in our environment mean to a robot?” thus leading to the following research questions.

  • How can a robot perceive and reason about objects in the human environment?
  • How can a robot interact with these objects?
  • How can a robot compose its interactive skills into performing meaningful tasks?
  • How can a robot learn to do all of the above toward seamless interaction and task execution?

We are interested in application domains (healthcare, climate change, agriculture, etc.) where our research solutions can make a huge impact.

We are looking for passionate new students to join the team (more info) !


23. Aug 2024

Congratulations to Ryan Diaz, Ryan Roche and Adit Kadepurkar, for being awarded by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) to conduct his research at RPM Lab

01. July 2024

1 paper Talk Through It got accepted in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). Congratulations to the authors!

28. Apr 2024

Congratulations to Mason Hawver, for being awarded by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) to conduct his research at RPM Lab

29. Jan 2024

2 papers Geometric-Peg-in-Hole and SlotGNN got accepted in ICRA 2024. Congratulations to the authors!

27. Jan 2024

Congratulations to Athreyi Badithela, for Honarable Mention in CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards 2023-2024.

17. Nov 2023

Karthik is co-organizing Minnesota Robotics Institute (MnRI) Research Showcase - 2023.

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