
01. July 2024

1 paper Talk Through It got accepted in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). Congratulations to the authors!

28. Apr 2024

Congratulations to Mason Hawver, for being awarded by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) to conduct his research at RPM Lab

29. Jan 2024

2 papers Geometric-Peg-in-Hole and SlotGNN got accepted in ICRA 2024. Congratulations to the authors!

27. Jan 2024

Congratulations to Athreyi Badithela, for Honarable Mention in CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards 2023-2024.

17. Nov 2023

Karthik is co-organizing Minnesota Robotics Institute (MnRI) Research Showcase - 2023.

06. Nov 2023

Bahaa Aldeeb presents his recent work on - GANOCS: Domain Adaptation of Normalized Object Coordinate Prediction Using Generative Adversarial Training at Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Robotics Workshop @ CoRL 2023.

06. Nov 2023

Chahyon Ku presents his recent work on - Evaluating Robustness of Visual Representations for Object Assembly Task Requiring Spatio-Geometrical Reasoning at Pretraining for Robotics Workshop @ CoRL 2023.

07. Sept 2023

Karthik and Alireza will co-organize a workshop - NeuRL-RMW: Workshop for Neural Representation Learning for Robot Manipulation at CoRL2023 conference in November.

22. Aug 2023

Congratulations to Ryan Diaz, for being awarded by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) to conduct his research at RPM Lab

10. Aug 2023

Great job by Revanth, Kai, Athreyi and Ryan Diaz with posters, presentations and videos for the 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Expo (SURE)

22. June 2023

Karthik receives Early Innovation Fund, for developing hardware to effectively collect human-demonstrations.

01. June 2023

Congratulations to Athreyi Badithela, for receiving Hopper-Dean Scholarship

01. May 2023

Congratulations to Athreyi Badithela, for being awarded by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) to conduct her research at RPM Lab

10. Feb 2023

Karthik gave a talk titled - Perception for General-purpose Robot Manipulation, in the New Faculty Highlights session at the AAAI-23 Conference in Washington, DC.

24. Jan 2023

Congratulations to Ryan Diaz, for being awarded with the Undergraduate Research Scholarship (URS)!

20. Jan 2023

Karthik and Prof. Kang receive MnRI Seed Grant for conducting research at the intersection of language and robot manipulation.

20. Jan 2023

Karthik receives MnDRIVE UMII Seed Grant for the research on sensing, perceiving and manipulating recyclable objects.

06. Jan 2023

RPM Lab’s research is featured in the MnRI newsletter.

30. Nov 2022

Spot Robot from Boston Dynamics arrived. Here is the blurb and the unboxing video.

08. Nov 2022

Karthik will be teaching CSCI 5980-02: Deep Learning for Robot Perception and Manipulation in the Spring 2023.

14. Oct 2022

Karthik gave a talk titled - Explicit and Implicit Object Representations for Robust and Generalized Perception in Robotics, in Minnesota Robotics Institute (MnRI) colloquium, hosted by Prof. Nikos Papanikolopoulos

14. Sept 2022

Bahaa Aldeeb joins the RPM lab!

29. Aug 2022

Karthik joins University of Minnesota, as an Assitant Professor in the Department of Computer Science

05. Aug 2022

Karthik gave a talk titled - Robust and Generalized Perception Towards Mainstreaming Domestic Robots, at IIIT Hyderabad, hosted by Prof. Madhava Krishna

11. Jul 2022

Karthik gave a talk titled - Robust and Generalized Perception Towards Mainstreaming Domestic Robots, at ETH Zürich, hosted by Dr. Suryansh Kumar

30. Jun 2022

Karthik completes his Postdoctoral program at the University of Washington