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Project 1


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For this assignment, you will implement depth-first search and breadth-first search in project_pathplan/graph_search.js.


  1. Environment Setup
    • Download kineval-stencil and unzip it.
    • Open a terminal and execute python -m http.server in the root directory of the project to start an http server.
    • Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8000/project_pathplan/search_canvas.html. If you have any issues with that also try replacing localhost with
    • Open the developer tools console (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome), go to the console and start to probe variables like search_alg, q_start_config, q_goal_config, or search_iter_count.
  2. Depth-first Search and Breadth-first Search

    • Implement the search algorithms in project_pathplan/graph_search.js.
    • initSearchGraph() initializes the search graph G
      • Add code under // STENCIL: determine whether this graph node should be the start...
    • iterateGraphSearch() performs 1 iteration of the search algorithm.
      • Add code under // STENCIL: implement a single iteration of a graph search algorithm...
      • If search_alg=="depth-first", execute depth-first search, if search_alg=="breadth-first", execute breadth-first search.
      • Return "succeeded" if the search algorithm has found a path from the start to the goal, "failed" if the search algorithm has determined that no path exists, and "iterating" if the search algorithm is still searching.
      • Use helper functions testCollision(), drawHighlightedPathGraph(), and draw_2D_configuration() defined in project_pathplan/infrastructure.js and project_pathplan/draw.js to navigate and visualize the graph appropriately.
      • Make sure you add nodes in E, W, S, N order to match the video and pass the autograder.
      • Make sure you set search_iterate=false after the search algorithm has finished.
    • You only need to implement depth-first search and breadth-first search (not A-star, greedy best-first search, or min heap).
    • To execute, open a browser and go to http://localhost:8000/project_pathplan/search_canvas.html?search_alg=depth-first?planning_scene=narrow1
      • To execute breadth-first search, replace depth-first with breadth-first.
      • To execute other environments, replace narrow1 with empty, misc, narrow2, or three_sections
      • More details on parameters can be found in initSearch() inside `project_pathplan/infrastructure.js
  3. Submit your project_pathplan/graph_search.js


This project is due on Wednesday, February 5th at 11:59pm CT.


The project is worth a total of 10 points.`