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Project 5


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For this assignment, you will implement mobile manipulation using concepts you have learned and implemented in the previous sections: finite state machine, inverse kinematics, and rrt connect.

  • Mobile manipulation in kineval/kineval_mobile_manipulation.js


  1. Start with your solutions to project 4
    • Solutions to project 4 will be released on 11/17/2023 (Fri), 2 days after project 4 is due. You can also start from here.
    • You must download 4 updated files to add support for mobile manipulation: home.html, kineval/kineval.js, kineval/kineval_mobile_manipulate.js, and worlds/world_mobile_manipulate.js Download
      • After you update these files, you should see the red cube and blue goal bubble at http://localhost:8000/home.html?world=worlds/world_mobile_manipulate.js.
  2. Finite State Machine Controller

    • kineval.robotMobileManipulateIterate() in kineval/kineval_mobile_manipulate.js is the only function you need to implement for this project.
      • This function is called every iteration of the simulation.
      • This function contains boilerplate code for recommended state definitions.
      • You should implement the contents of each state branch and transitions.
      • Whenever the configuration of the robot changes, this function should return the configuration as an array.
        • These configurations along with the state of the object will be used in the autograder.
    • The entire process is as follows:
      • Move near the cube using RRT connect in kineval/kineval_rrt_connect.js.
      • Move end effector onto the cube using inverse kinematics kineval/kineval_inverse_kinematics.js.
      • Grasp the cube using kineval.graspObject() in kineval/kineval.js.
      • Move near the goal bubble using RRT connect.
      • Move end effector onto the goal bubble using inverse kinematics.
      • Release the cube using kineval.releaseObject() in kineval/kineval.js.
  3. RRT Connect

    • You will use RRT connect to move the robot to a configuration where it can pick up/release the object.

    • Initialize, iterate, and traverse RRT connect in the corresponding states in kineval.robotMobileManipulateIterate().

      • To initialize, copy and modify from kineval.robotRRTPlannerInit().
      • To iterate, call robot_rrt_planner_iterate().
      • To traverse, copy and modify from kineval.planMotionRRTConnect()
      • Make sure you remove your trees and motion plans after you are done traversing the motion plan.
      • Determine the goal configuration using any heuristic you want (for example, on the object).
  4. Inverse Kinematics

    • You will use inverse kinematics to move the end effector to the object and the goal bubble.
      • Look at kineval.randomizeIKtrial() for setting and checking the goal pose.
      • Call kineval.iterateIK to move .
  5. Submit your kineval/kineval_mobile_manipulate.js and kineval/kineval_rrt_connect
    • The autograder is still under construction and will be available 11/20 (Mon).


This project is due on Wednesday, November 29th at 11:59pm CT.


The project is worth a total of 12 points.